Thursday 31 July 2014

Côte du Brimham

29th July

Plenty of these and the like still abundant

Full team turn out for visit to exciting new (BP excepted) venue - Eastby over by Skipton.
Enjoyed a cup of coffee from the comfort of the car and a relaxed inspection of the main features of the crag - these being clearly visible despite the intervening drapes of disappointing drizzle.
So pressed the ALT-CRAG button and beamed down at...

Brimham Rocks
Conditions more amenable here.  Cubic Block given a thorough seeing to before moving on to the Lover's Leap Area and an assignation with Birch Tree Wall, finally a wander over to the far end of everything for some Fags and a banter with some boys from the Cleveland CMC.

New feature!!

Cubic capers

NB goes boldly on Old Corner....

PM follows up with some youthful moves 

Cubic Corner

BP rocking up like a good-un

NB about to make the final thin moves as the sun switches on

AT on Birch Tree Wall



Running out up the easy finishing ramp

Direct finish next time (on second....)

NB makes short work of a move that took AT a very long time to figure....

BP shows another shape from his bag of ballet tricks

NB smokes up Fag Slab

What - no tourists?

A mission