Saturday 14 June 2014

Immer Gimmer

Thursday 12 June
A Big Day in the North on
Bracket and Slab (S)         NB AT NB/AT NB with PM

The first BDITN for some time, with a heavy duty walk in through swirling mist creating a big mountain atmosphere as NB set off on P1, continuing for AT and the Battle of the Bracket (PM proving that it can in fact be done in fine style) then clearing up in time for NB to find the way to Amen Corner leaving the NeaT BiT for AT with fabulous views down Langdale and across to Bowfell and the Crinkles, so NB finished off up the RH chimney whilst AT had brief skirmish with the LH chimney but lacked the necessary masochism and backed off in the interests of getting to the pub (not to mention the curry house) before closing time. Fantastic day out.  Fizz O'Meter hard against the stop.
Route (pic from 2009)
(click to hunt for 3 pasted climbers, one on "Crimson Pirate" VS)

Atmospherics in June 2014

Crux moves on P1

NB in fine position, about to switch feet and sort it out.

Belays in the mist below the Bracket

AT pushes the bounds of public decency - needless to say didn't get far with this proposition.

PM finds favour with a much more fluent dialogue and so seduces Madame Brackette

...and looks very happy with the result......

Sun out on a spacious belay
Cordelette and power point - solid!

This feature turned out to be a fine option for an other belay.....

PM making some very neat moves

NB very tidy also

What a spot!!

AT finds his niche with another  bomber power pointed belay

Amenlos, Pixelos, and D'Arbracketagnan

More pics here if you have Google Plus access

Walk in 421m ascent, 1.3km, 1 hr 20m
Walk out (steeper) 1.92km, 1 hour

Royal Bengal for tales of derring do.
Rocking drive home NB DJ