Thursday 5 September 2013


4th September 2013
Castle Rock of Triermain
Slab Climb S 4a (AT)
Wall Climb S 4a (BP)
Kleine Rinne VS 4b (AT,BP)
Direct Route VS 4b (BP)

AT heads up for the fine corner on Slab Climb

BP warms up Wall Climb

Kleine Rinne
Above the hard bit
Past the worrying bit

Took a bombproof post bulge belay
Number 11 rock
Two bongs

Plus a number 10 rock close by

BP leading through the jug infested groove
on P2

ANO climber later on moves smoothly through the crux moves

Direct Route

BP in a very fine position after placing a crucial high wire
Uber cheeseville

From car park

Direct route up central crack to the left of climber on Kleine Rinne

Via Media slanting higher further left.

All skies original