Monday 30 September 2013

Southern Counties

Thursday 26th - Monday 30th September
Hove and Sutton
Delivered the big day bed to Vikki and Pete
Tapas, Mexican then a Thai night out at the Giggling Squid - great!

Brighton beach
(c) VP
 Scored a carpet, clock and London Calling

Saturday afternoon visit to Greenwich.

The Cutty Sark

The very definition of copper bottomed

The heart of the city

Out walking in the Weald

Man with a plan.

Ray Bans are for real.

On the right track?

Well looked after as always by R&S Entertainment Inc.

See you up North!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Misty Mountain Crag Hopping

23rd September
Langdale Multicrag
Middlefell Buttress (D) AT-NB

V1 Start (S)

Abseiled off from position A

NB tackles P2
V pleasant

NB abbing of fixed gear into gully descent path

 AT on the ragged edge of total trepidation.
Moving on to
White Crag

NB on Left Trouser Leg People (MVS4b)
Rib, slab, corner and groove packed into 25m
NB emerging on Val Ferret (HS 4a)

Saturday 21 September 2013

Quick Lime

Friday 20th September
First half decent day after numerous wet ones
Need another quick dryer......
Twistleton Scar
Priority Corner S
Evening Star S
Angel Delight HS 4b

Evening Star
V pleasant after the ill judged selection of Priority Corner as first lead on limestone since May 2009

AT on Angel Delight's fine finishing wall above the pointy pinnacle.

Only the one wire dropped out of this one!

PM gets to grips with the pinnacle

Had to call it a day to make time for ALT-PRIORITY pick up of Fairbank furniture

Looking forward to more visits to this very fine venue (20 mins from FB, 10 minutes walk in).

Unknown climber making good moves on Twistleton Crack VS 4c

Another one of those photos by that mystery virtual climbing partner.

Well earned pint of Hawkeshead bitter at the Sun Inn following load up of settee onto roof rack, cheers PM!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Action Replay

Tuesday September 10th
Wind in NW so south facing
Lots of recent rain so quick drying
Maximum climbing so minimum walking
- Result from Climputer
Castle Rock of Triermain

So what if it's only six days since the last visit?

Today's circuit with a difference
Slab Climb S (BP)
Wall Climb S (AT)
Lilith HS(BP)
Companion Way MS (AT)
Kleine Rinne VS4b (BP)
Via Media S (AT)
All excellent

Slab Climb

BP moves like Travolta

PM feels the rhythm

New route for BP

Wall climb mini-bulge

Getting the toes to twinkle

AT gets Companiable

PM stepping up

The initial steep "Kleine Rinne"

BP looking for a way to let go of the big hold

Searching out some Rinne runners

AT does some Media manipulation

Climber on Failed Romantic E15b

More photos here


also here
Luminous drive back to G.B

Thursday 5 September 2013


4th September 2013
Castle Rock of Triermain
Slab Climb S 4a (AT)
Wall Climb S 4a (BP)
Kleine Rinne VS 4b (AT,BP)
Direct Route VS 4b (BP)

AT heads up for the fine corner on Slab Climb

BP warms up Wall Climb

Kleine Rinne
Above the hard bit
Past the worrying bit

Took a bombproof post bulge belay
Number 11 rock
Two bongs

Plus a number 10 rock close by

BP leading through the jug infested groove
on P2

ANO climber later on moves smoothly through the crux moves

Direct Route

BP in a very fine position after placing a crucial high wire
Uber cheeseville

From car park

Direct route up central crack to the left of climber on Kleine Rinne

Via Media slanting higher further left.

All skies original

Sunday 1 September 2013

Gardom Stardom

Friday August 30th
Aiming for Dovestone Tor, too windy up there so pressed the
ALT CRAG button

5 routes - 10 stars
Apple Crack VD                   (NB)
Apple Arete VS4b                 (BP)
Velvet Cracks VS4b              (AT)
N.M.C     HVD                     (NB)    
Elliot's Buttress Direct HS4a   (BP)  - NB gets 400 routes done!

NB on Apple Crack

Crux low down

BP gets a load of them Apples

Great position out on a fine line between rock and sky

Pics of Velvet Crack to follow on BPs return!

AT sticks to the eliminate line on Velvet Cracks


No Mean Climb?
Not Many Crimps?
Need More Cams?

Much better than it looks, varied, sustained, crux at top

NB gets laid back

BP bending up




Another buttress
Another poky start

NB gets up close and personal

BP moving up on the lead

NB follows a BP variation finish special at about 4c

Great setting
Promising winter venue

Close enough for jazz