Thursday 23 May 2013

Doing All Right

Tuesday May 21st
Shepherds Crag - Borrowdale
Crag a bit drippy, but got stuck into Fisher's Folly Buttress - first time for everything after 14 years worth of visits to Shepherds - this time didn't walk on by.
Chamonix (HS 4b) got things going and kept the ball rolling with
CDM VS 4c (BP)
Fisher's Folly VS 4c (BP, AT)
Why Not MVS 4b (BP)

BP in a fine position 14m up the testing P1 of Fishers Folly  (only 13m in total according to FRCC....).
P2 traverses rightwards from the top of the pillar, rising up the ramp under the roof (gear!)

Then steps out over the void further right
to any airy finish round the tricky corner - some holds still rather hydrated.

A.N.O climber on another day shows the (single pitch) way
 © Roger Chaldecott with thanks

Never look back......