Thursday 28 April 2011

The Weight

April 27th
The beginning - The Band in foreground, today's crag on high

So to the biggest of the big on a pinging lakeland day, NB on a dawn raid to Winston and away by 7.30 in the MR2.  Walking in by 9.30.  Arrive at base of route 2hours 10mins later.

The Weight - backed up by the Band and Mickledon
Take a load off Andy
On belay pitch 7.
Regulation ascent in fine style.  Learning from previous efforts (28 August 2002 and 10 July 2005), strung key pitches together, used hybrid rock shoes etc.

Picture (left) circles pitch 7 belay and climber (NB) above

Looking down Langstrath from high on the route

A Big Day in the North

More pictures  here

Live footage (from the vaults) can be seen here...
Soundtrack here