Friday 27 August 2010

Pulling through

Wednesday 25th August with a North-South weather divide for once in favour of everyone North of Leeds.  What to do?  West the obvious option after last week's Kyloe capers (some footage here and some more there and even more at this other place).

So Norm's vote for Twistleton carried the day, a new venue for the G man so bags of uncertainty to play with.  Routes including The Fretsaw (yellow) and Evening Star (red).  Priority Corner and Skeleton Scoop featured significant battles with a bulge, as did The Fretsaw.  No problems pulling through for the resident rock stars.  Medusa a devilishly polished monster sandbagging at V Diff or was it actually Severe?

Today's Twistleton Guide, the Limestone Cowboy Himself.

More moving material at Evening Star