Tuesday 8 June 2010

It ain't nothing but a party

Word went out there was a party ban.

But there was a rumour about a rumble, and when Vikki and Pete arrived on Thursday, then Roger and Sue lunchtime on Friday, Mags thinks what's the rumpus?  But the fix was in, and by Saturday lunchtime the righteous hordes arrived in a mass demonstration of their right to party.
The good people at the Bridgewater did their bit with lunch - and got straight in the mood hurling beer all over Nancy's party(sic) dress (oops!).

Some folks blatantly and with no little sange froide relocated the unfinished wine bottles back to the West House Whoopitup unparty.

Party free cakes courtesy Robineau, de-partied bubbly from Lindauer, partylessly perfect weather gifted from God (thanks your almightiness), a garden full of natter, banter and bunting.  Speeches unfortunately(?) remained verboten..

But nonetheless welcomed the Lanagan Ladies, the Southern Contingent, also a bunch of Oakland Girls, the Dukes Retainer (GFMO and Bar); The Brighton Rockers, the Norwegian Hordes, the East Yorkshire Ever Presents, the Stillington Gang, the Four (Soft) Tops, the Birmingham Barn Stormers, The Raby Road Ravers; the Newcastle Sun Glass Mob, also with Phil Pentangeli, Ann the Hat Addy and Don Ron Tommsoni himself.  Assorted Rope Holders, Runners and Riders rocked up a bit later; and finally some fellow Winstonians.  Fantastic do!  (if not actually a party......!)

Can't beat a long slow drizzle on a hot summer day.

More pics at http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/andrew.thompson21/Mags60?authkey=Gv1sRgCPuZ6-3218Ovbg#