Monday 3 May 2010

The Lions lie down with the lambs

Lions tour 2010 was somewhat more low key than other barn storming efforts.  At least two members of the hard core party hampered by surgery and back episodes, and Steve E a late no show, something to do with boy scouts.... 
Barn (left centre), Thornthwaite farm (right centre)

So the party was distributed between the barn, a cottage on site, and a Greyhound B&B down the road.  Mike Harding’s Fell End Barn venue (can you ‘ear me at the back?) was always at the heart of things, and the recently installed wood burner was an unexpected god send.
Low key short walks were the orders from on high and after a noisy natter we headed off down to the beach to mix it with the cockles, which took us nicely to happy hour and a CJ sausage special washed down with copious shiraz.  Staggered back to the stable cottage in the dark with a clockwork torch thing!
Sunday saw us sailing across the lake (Steve’s counter Rich-plan plan) and a mooch (another Steve invention) along the shore and a visit with the Ruskins.  Lovely people.  Waitress not  sure about Steve’s new coffee stirring action...  Waved adieu to the Stockton contingent, think CJ was ready for a long lie down – left over Lions did a nice walk around the Rigg which took we happy few safely back to happy hour
Sancerre, chilli, and more Shiraz.  Light fantastic  evening, talked until late finishing with Rich’s notion that society could be fixed by a system “RESET” .  Night sky full of cosmos, and another sound sleep.
Monday dawned pinging – knocked up by barnstormers 8am – breakfast and great walk along the Cumbrian way, views across to the barn and farm.  Homeward via tea at Newby Bridge.