Wednesday 17 February 2010

Rabulous Darling

Seem to have been cooped up for a few days - so headed out west for some Keswick Therapy.  Nice lunch at 26 followed by a blitz round the shops - new Rab Neutrino for instant winter warming - better late than never, and a birthday base layer from Margaret.

Went on to Booths for bits and bobs then out to Castlerigg for a short walk, well, that was the plan.

Unfortunately seemed to get distracted by all the fantastic views and got a bit off the beaten track and bogged down in the badlands by St John's in the Vale.

Plodded doggedly on, regained the road, and made it back to the car at 17.00 as the sun sank behind Grisedale Pike - fabulous.

Got home in no time to home make a pizza base so cheated with a Morrisons bog basic with added extras from the cupboard.

Base layer back in the bag - too tight and icky - an excuse for another trip soon.

Bookending this blog with a belting Blencathra