Saturday 2 January 2010


Another visit down south, this time with added logistics.  First an overnight stop at Dad's, dropping him off after intensive WWOW therapy

Left Wednesday morning for a boot buying session at Profeet in Fulham - Traffic dodged - Technica Phoenix duly approved, adapted and procured. 

Then off down for a mid week break with Vikki and Pete.  Once again sampled the Ginger Pig - however fresh sea bass sent back to the chef - smelt funny.  Saw the New Year in.... surfing on a wave of Vikki's Thaitastic food,, (Belgian) choc and  booze - stayed up till gone 2am - a middle years record?  Homeward bound on New Years Day and a drop in lunch at the Lilley's - lovely. 

Saturday sees more snow falling - trip to gym cancelled!