Tuesday 19 January 2010

Snow Dazzle

New boots and helmet -  first time out

New Scott Crusade Skis make debut also

Some weather adds to the interest on the last day          

this trail links back to Veysonnaz from the Greppon Blanc Sector - usually piste bashed

Our pad in Veysonnaz Les Melezes just 50m from the big lift


Monday 11 January 2010

Tees Freeze

Sunday felt a bit warmer but offset by a fresh easterly.  Finally got round to the walk we'd been talking about for a fortnight.  River looking semi -artic-ulated, ice floes but no polar bears....

Broke trail back across the fields
and then back home for coffee and lunch.


Wednesday 6 January 2010

Big Dump

Well it snowed again last night and this morning.  The sun came out over lunch - so threw the homework on the fire and took a walk down (Winston) town.

The tombstones in the sunlight looked like bones.

As for the the young guy on the sledge - some say they feared him - others denied him.

But he stole some big air...

Later on took a wander round with Her Luminescence with light to match - brilliant!
(in a Fast Show kind of way....)

Saturday 2 January 2010


Another visit down south, this time with added logistics.  First an overnight stop at Dad's, dropping him off after intensive WWOW therapy

Left Wednesday morning for a boot buying session at Profeet in Fulham - Traffic dodged - Technica Phoenix duly approved, adapted and procured. 

Then off down for a mid week break with Vikki and Pete.  Once again sampled the Ginger Pig - however fresh sea bass sent back to the chef - smelt funny.  Saw the New Year in.... surfing on a wave of Vikki's Thaitastic food,, (Belgian) choc and  booze - stayed up till gone 2am - a middle years record?  Homeward bound on New Years Day and a drop in lunch at the Lilley's - lovely. 

Saturday sees more snow falling - trip to gym cancelled!