Tuesday 29 September 2009

Trenchtown rock

Tuesday came.  The idea was to head to Borrowdale and revisit The Pinnacle of Troutdale - but the weather forecast was 30:70.  In the face of those odds PLAN B was invoked - N Yorks - Peak Scar.  We went, we found it.  We let it be.  Norms words of wisdom along the lines of "let's f@&k off to the Wainstones.  Couldn't fault the reasoning, given the airborne fret, damp rock, and the prevailing Tolkien vibe of the place.  So we drove up Bilsdale and commenced PLAN C.

Walked in from Hasty Bank, Ravenscar option thwarted by a new and serious fence.  Uber classics looked green anyway.
On to Wainstones for a sporty afternoon. Ling here, Sphinx there, Christopher to finish, nice catching Norm.