Tuesday 29 September 2009

Trenchtown rock

Tuesday came.  The idea was to head to Borrowdale and revisit The Pinnacle of Troutdale - but the weather forecast was 30:70.  In the face of those odds PLAN B was invoked - N Yorks - Peak Scar.  We went, we found it.  We let it be.  Norms words of wisdom along the lines of "let's f@&k off to the Wainstones.  Couldn't fault the reasoning, given the airborne fret, damp rock, and the prevailing Tolkien vibe of the place.  So we drove up Bilsdale and commenced PLAN C.

Walked in from Hasty Bank, Ravenscar option thwarted by a new and serious fence.  Uber classics looked green anyway.
On to Wainstones for a sporty afternoon. Ling here, Sphinx there, Christopher to finish, nice catching Norm.

Monday 28 September 2009

Stone ground

Back in the loop with team Binks on Sunday - on a Millstone mission.  Several other notables present, C Craggs (Mr Peak) Steve Cunnington, Dave Spence, Graham ? Dave Vincent inter alia.

The Pinnacle Club were also out in force, showing how it's done (well Bond St certainly isn't a one way street!),   Me and MB joined on a rope and played Monopoly with the routes. It's no place for the faint hearted, but there's no way would we let it grind us down,  http://www.ukclimbing.com/logbook/showlog.html?id=12428&sort=e
Pretty windy on top but an excellent day out.  The Mall (VS4c) pictured ((c) Madking thanks to UKC) and also CB smearing his jams all over Bond Street

Saturday 26 September 2009

Life's a beach

Friday was a day for us, so we packed a picnic and headed out to find the sun. Original plan was N York Moors, maybe Rievaux Abbey, but it looked dull that way so we peeled off to the seaside. 

A windy walk down the stupendous Saltburn strand, so much space across the sand , sea, and sky - vertiginous in a horizontal kind of way

Thursday 24 September 2009

Revelation Rock

The weather forecast got better and better, and by the time Wednesday came round it was looking good out west. I fancied another go at Gimmer, but the wind was blustery in the valley so Norm's Raven recommendation was spot on. I got lucky and won the toss for the lead on Centipede, which meant I also got P3 which was delightful.

Over lunch we watched a youth make easy work of what looked a hard route (Revelation, below). Above pics are of Centipede, third pitch.

So I gave myself a good talking to,
and Norm
was up for it,
so away we went.
Steep in places, but good holds and immaculate protection, marvellous. Norm led P1 in fine style. The second pitch was my go, filled it full of gear, and in return it filled me full of fizz... used all 14 quickdraws/slings in the 38 metres. By then the clouds were sinking and could feel the threat of imminent precipitation, so we bailed out to the bar at the ODG. Just in time - it tipped it down... felt sorry for those still busy up there.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Road dreadge

A dull day turned into a fine evening - rather than pound out at the Gym, the cycle option came up front so off round the local lanes - by the Ha Ha (pictured) and back via Pudding Hill 12.5 very pleasant miles except for the crazy 70mph driver who nearly killed us both cutting a corner on the back lane to Caldwell, too fast to get his or her number, would have seen em in court, our lives nearly ended there and then.

Road dreadge

A dull day turned into a fine evening - rather than pound out at the Gym, the cycle option came up front so off round the local lanes - by the Ha Ha (pictured) and back via Pudding Hill 12.5 very pleasant miles except for the crazy 70mph driver who nearly killed us both cutting a corner on the back lane to Caldwell, too fast to get his or her number, would have seen em in court, our lives nearly ended there and then.

Friday 11 September 2009

Dredging for Copper

A big high pressure has landed over Blighty and so plans for a two day trip were laid. Wednesday started with a meet at WWOW and a drive up to the Coppermines hut (a great facility), from where various obscure crags and routes were re-discovered and enjoyed. Thursday arrived -eyes squinting from the combinaton of the dazzling dawn light and last night's libations. So off to high exposure in White Ghyll - Slip Knot, Slabs Route 2 both dispatched in fine style, despite added interest (on the latter) supplied by a neighbouring party in some difficulties. MB gave the necessary assistance, followed by choice words of advice from BP. Two corking BIG DAYS IN THE NORTH!

Saturday 5 September 2009

Dredge in a Woodburn

Me and Normski got four routes in on Wed 2 Sep - all good stuff. Approach walk in fraught with danger from herd of cows, but survived intacto. Only 4 routes done due to late arrival from a soaking Simonside via a last gasp petrol pump