Sunday 1 January 2023

Christmas Festive Frolics


December 22nd 2022 


 Jan 1st 2023

All set for arrivals

Pete and Vikki travel 22/12 via Newark rendezvous

Fabulous curry special all ready on arrival

Friday M & V to Headlam for pool leisure and pamper session

Pizzas ready to replace all lost calories

Xmas Eve Bowie-opoly

Finished off Xmas day.  Big win for Vikki !  (birthday luck!)

25th December

Happy Birthday Vikki!

Merino Xmas Andy!

Gifts Galore

Merino all over!

Kitchen Crew in action

All set for some serious Christmas Dinner

Followed more seasonal fayre

And of course the Birthday Special!

Might be room for some on Boxing Day

Festive Flamenco......

Live at Briar Walk

Early Boxing Day Dazzle

A bracing walk out in the Tees Valley

Wednesday trip for Lunch up in Whitley Bay

More exchange of assorted goodies!

Except no pictures taken  😕

New Year's day river walk

Banks burst

All set for 2023!