Saturday 5 November 2022

Late Scot

 Friday 4th November

Forecast sunny and mild, caight CB before he booked his appointment with a job, so squeezed in a short session at the ever ready 

Scot Crags Scugdale

Dazzling morning 

Golden walk in

Rock in pristine condition

CB opened up on a Vdiff, AT jumped onto Pet's Corner.

CB declared the crucial friend placement as bomber.

Finally got it right!

Cerebus Crack is only very short but it keeps you busy all the way and worth 4c

CB clipping in, before heading right to Defying Gravity up the harder finish.

AT spent a while trying to figure out a variation leading to the RH Arete on the same buttress.

CB took over and figured it out, turns out to be a hybrid of a 5a and a 4a .

Variation start/finish, take your pick.

Sun gone, wind getting up, called it a draw