Wednesday 30 March 2022

Scout Switch Over

 Tuesday March 29th

It seemed like the week would see no outside action, but a late check on Monday suggested that good conditions could prevail out west.  NB stepped up and went with a plan for Raven Crag Walthwaite.  A meet in Kendal and NB finished the drive in.  AT missed the sign but NB was on the ball - bird nest restrictions in place to end May.  Plan B took no time to hatch, half an hour later we arrived at the foot of;

Upper Scout Crag

Easy walk in, weather holding up

Last here in May 21. Scouts don't get into a rut, so added variety by switching order of routes and leads.

AT on the fine second pitch of  Route 1

This image from May 21 sets the scene.

A few spots of rain came and went, so switched over to Route 2 with AT taking the first pitch this time.

Waste of time scouting around for decent gear on this first section.

Just have to D.Y.B

NB looking comfortable at the crux of P2

Duly despatched with considerable aplomb

AT takes note from a capacious ledge and tree belay

Descent requires attention with a bit of exposure on the left heading down

The Langdale Pikes are a glorious backdrop.

As for the foreground?

Great to squeeze in a day out in an unlikely looking week!

Route 2 (R)

Route 1 (L)

Climbers in action - May 21

More imagination required on the route naming, surely Baden Powell would expect better from his troops.

Monday 28 March 2022

Thomski 2022 - 30 years downhill all the way

 March 13th - March 20th 2022

A late trip this year - the Chalet Grand Bec was only available this one week so we snapped it up.  This year's team featured the return of FL after a ten year absence.  All fired up after missing out in 2021 during the global pandemification.  

Also making a comeback this year is the overnight stop on the outward trip.

A unique experience at

Close to the motorway near Dijon, very rustic village of Monsaugeon.

Just under six hours from Calais.

It's great to be up on the mountain again!

First day out, a nice hot choc at the hub of the system also known as Joyce Junction.

Mild weather, hazy sun, decent conditions all round.

Her Luminescence living up to the name, rocking a pair of new pants from Patagonia.

Lunch at the Pierres Blanche, featuring a panoramic view across to the mighty Blanc.

The kitchen team swings into action.

Interesting atmospherics featured on most days out

After 11 seasons we finally found an alternative to the route down from J.J.   The Geisha blue run has now replaced the Lavasset Bas as the descent of choice.  Very quiet, good snow, easy.
The Geisha does however still deliver a weary skier back to rest and recuperation at the inevitable and unavoidable Borselieres suntrap terrace.

FL all set for action out in the high wild of Pralognan

The drag up to the Col de Forcle let the side down.  Well two of them anyway.  Fortunately on the level bit near the end.

The last day saw the return of full blue skies and dazzling sunshine.

Who could resist a pose with Ms Patagonia 2022?

Hot Dog can't say no either!  The mojo still going strong on day 6.  

Saturday also featured the introduction of the concept of a lazy afternoon on the terrace for the full team.

Love it!

More photos from the trip can be linked to here
(includes also a short clip of some members actually in action!)

Dear Diary
Saturday 12th
Depart Sutton 07.45 arrive tunnel 09.20, arrive Montsaugeon 17.55.
Sunday 13th depart 09.35 arrive Bozel 14.50.
Monday - La Plagne RL SL FL CJ MT AT
Tuesday - La Plagne as above
Wednesday - Pra Lognan RL FL MT AT CJ
Thursday - La Plagne RL SL FL CJ AT
Friday - La Plagne RL SL FL CJ MT AT
Saturday - La Plagne RL MT AT (morning)
Sunday 20th 
Depart Bozel 07.10 arrive Tunnel 17.20 arrive Sutton 20.30

Thursday 24 March 2022

Castle Rock Climbing Circus

 23 March 2022

High pressure seems to be in charge, so maybe time to up the ante with a venture further afield and some longer routes.  A quick text from somewhere near Lyon on Sunday set us up for a Wednesday excursion - one day to recover from a week on the slopes and two days on the road.  Plenty of time to build gumption for a return to the always inviting Mecca-crag that is ;

Castle Rock of Triermain

Walking in we were greeted by the sight of a lonely figure atop the crag dragging a bag up a route on the S Face.  Cue various low grade puns (bit of a drag, in it for the long haul, etc.).  Quickly geared up and climbing under way at 10.30, after an enjoyable banter with the adventurous guy bagging a route (oops, there we go again) ) before his day at a screen somewhere.

AT tops out on Via Media.  

CB had toyed with Gazebo but switched to a romp up this route in the interest of a no-stress starter with fun-filled moves.

And consideration for the general state of his partner.

The descent path passed by the sunny ramps of Yew Tree climb, so AT jumped on the route. CB on belay exchanged pleasantries and intelligence with a couple of parties just arriving.

They seemed to know who he was.  

Pic features an unknown climber later in the afternoon.

CB leads P2 above a belay featuring two bomb proof wires (10 and 11) sunk behind the break.

As the day progressed numerous teams arrived and joined in what turned out to be something of a climbing circus, about six teams in action, all very social, the usual to and fro that climbers are prone to exchange.  About seven dogs of various genres added to the general sense of melee.  All very relaxed.

Here's Fiona S on Kleine Rinne, reflecting the happy atmosphere at the crag.

CB showed the way up the two big VS's, and AT finished the day with a long lead up the terrific arete, ramp and finishing slabs of Gangway Climb.

Here's BP making a great shape on the eponymous gangway (2019)

L- R
Via Media (featuring climber)
Direct Route
Kleine Rinne
Yew Tree Climb
Gangway Climb

Time to head out for a well earned libation.  
Sportsman - for sale
Herdwick - closed
Thought the day was going to have a sting in the tail.
But a quick google and phone call led us to the Beehive.  It was buzzing in there.

Tuesday 8 March 2022


Monday March 7th

There seemed to be a window, with Sunday's sunshine set to continue, so a short day at 

Scot Crags, Scugdale

...seemed sensible.  Unfortunately the weather window closed for the duration of our late starting session, with sun going in at noon and emerging again around three thirty.  Meantime conditions could only be described as Baltic.  Still we manned up and got on with it.

AT seeks some warmth from a full body friction chimney affair.

On belay!

CB trains up