Saturday 16 January 2021

Blackwell on Ice

Friday January 15th

Cold, bright, baltic in Blackwell this morning.  Late morning walk out across the o;ld golf course to the South Park boulder and back via Southend Avenue.

Ravensworth (15 miles away) reported lowest 

England overnight at -9C  Brrr!!

On the old course.


Ducks, geese and gulls struggle to get a grip.



Back for hot soup lunch

Saturday 2 January 2021


January 2nd 2021

With there not being much action in 2021, it feels like there could be dangerously low levels of drivel in the once bottomless pit.  In this, the golden age of credit, there is always the option to get an advance withdrawal against the prospect of a future rush of the stuff.  So the time is right to look ahead, not back (too much) and start putting some investment into aspirations for 2021.  Or beyond, who knows?

Given the lack of mileage and the drop across all capabilities of the climbing spectrum, there's no alarms and no surprises, and so there's some hope that there will be takers.  Hopefully there is enough ambition in there to pique some interest.  Of course there are many more destinations that will no doubt figure, but these are the ideas that have floated to the top.   

So to get the ball rolling here's an offer of A Big Day in The North.

We're talking Dow Crag, B-Buttress.  Last climbed in 2006.  A very big Diff.  Hence "Giant" features in the route name.  A huge sweeping ramp in three pitches, steady climbing, needs to be dry.  Then a traverse back left across blocky ground to a fine finishing groove jug and gear fest and a scramble out.

So we'll stick with the G's.  Next up a personal favourite, been up there with most partners except one.  

You know who you are.  Man up!

An amenable walk in plonks you at the bottom of a 7 pitch severe, here's the best one and it's right high up.  About 4a/b.  Can be done with simple rack, single rope, walk out off the summit.  What's not to like?

Let's make it 3G's with this as yet to be done route on Gimmer

At least we might find the start (upper picture).

C-Route, this guy is up there somewhere.  Need to go see where.

Let's make it 4G!  It's Gimmer again!

Here's another gotta be done at MVS 4b.

NW Arete.

Before we seem to have bitten off far more than can be chewed,  the following venues are all on the must visit list.  

So there's every chance for progression towards the previous more adventurous offerings.

The eternally brilliant Castle Rock of Triermain.

The Peak!  A fine user friendly and varied climbing venue.

Not forgetting Borrowdale's most versatile roadside crag.  All to play for there.

Here's a possible venue for a meet up with NB over the other side of the Pennines.


Finally there's always masses of great sport within easy reach (sorry Norm not for you so much these days).

Put your name down for any one or more of these great day's out!

 Book Early!