Tuesday 27 February 2018

Wall Games

Feb 27th

Weather warnings, blzzards, wind chill terrors, forecasts of travel disruption and all round mayhem failed to stop large posse of pensioners arriving at Harrogate Wall for some indoor action.

BP leaves an on sight 6a+ trailing in his unstoppable wake

CB takes it easy after a minor op

Saturday 24 February 2018

Langton Locals

24 Feb

Spring nowhere in sight
But the lambs are out in numbers in the fields around Langton

There were at least fifty of the cute little critters

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Les Bozeliers se Revenant

Feb 4th - Feb 11th 2018

Seven skiers plus a Thomski founder member back to the regular venue

After last years glitch prone and mixed weather week it was great to get better weather, cold and mostly bright with  and (almost) no snags!

 The Thomski operation continues to range free across three systems and all terrain.

Monday Champagny - La Plagne (7)
Tuesday Champagny - La Plagne (7)
Wednesday Pralognan la Vanoise (5)
Thursday Champagny - La Plagne (3)
Friday Courcheval (7)
Saturday Champagny - La Plagne (6)

Ready to roll down one of the Rossa runs

Courcheval system across the valley


It's a generation game

Team members queue up to pose with today's birthday boy......
(or maybe vice versa?)

Don't mention the lunch

We won't be going back!

This year's kit

Elan Amphibio 86

at 176cm

Best skis since the Scott Aztec Pro's

Members taking in the atmospherics up high at Pralognan

Cloud inversions persist on Thursday in la Plagne

(3 out)

View across to the floating Beaufortain range

Meet up at the Alpina for a very pleasant lunch

Following a freak binding flip Mike heads off in snow cat to secure repairs on the run at Courcheval 1650

Had trouble keeping up with these two after a rather long and liquid lunch

CJ grabs a brief kip at 1650

Binding replaced pronto!

Saturday venture out to lunch at La Roche
Two v cold runs off the Rossa, coffee and warm up at Borseliers and back up to the Quillis
Route in red
Via Quillis, Colosses, and Plagne 1800 lifts, 12.40 at the Chalet la Roche Restaurant, what a spot!

Chalet La Roche
Weather not quite as good as this...

Saturday night is Pizza Night

Travel Details
Ferry to Calais depart 07.10 (one before booked) arrive 09.40
Arrive Bozel 20.20

Depart 07.05
Arrive 17.25
Depart tunnel 18.40 (delayed by broken down car on carriage)
Arrive Sutton 19.30