Sunday 29 January 2017

Salty Dogs

Sunday 29 January

Finally a bright day in the NE after what seems like endless gloom

Flash drive to Saltburn - walk to Marske and back, lunch in Real Meals Italian deli

Cliff top tram terminus


Not in action

Dogs at risk of getting too salty

Turn round landmark
Heading back

Lunch at the Italian Deli
Very nice
Ordered off the Menu
"Fruit scone with butter and jam"
No jam came with it.

"Excuse me.  Where's the jam?"
"You didn't ask for any"


Next time:-
"I'd like  the Fruit Scone with butter and jam, can I have fruit in the scone, with butter on the side?  Oh and also I'd like some jam if that's ok?"

Monday 16 January 2017

Keswick regular

Sunday 15th January

Routine trip across to Keswick, 78 bus to Lodore and back by the western shore

Along with the world and his wife

Very pleasant

Board walking

Larking by the lake