Tuesday 29 December 2015

Sunny Langton

Tuesday - finally a decent day to get out
(Sunday was good but had visitors)

Met a very nice chatty catty in Langton

Whiskas Galore

Monday 28 December 2015

Christmas 2015

At West House

Wednesday - meet up en route at Newark
Thursday - pamperage and prep
Friday - blow out!
Saturday - Regroup, the STAR WARS at the Station Cinema
Sunday - Geordies!  Curry!

Lots of laughs and some great music nights thanks to the YouTube White Room archive, and great Sunday Funday with our folks from the North - Film Buff-oonery!

Festive Festoonery

Festive Rudolphery

Great Grub!

All home made!
Make mine a double


Sunday Gang!


Pantheon additions

Monday 14 December 2015


14 December

Three chaps at play

CB reaching at 6b

BP going well

AT on the up

Saturday 12 December 2015

I'm dreaming.....

Of a White Christmas!

(try with sound turned on for best results)