Thursday 31 October 2013

Climb on the Wild Side

Oct 30th

A brief weather window opened, the sun came out and the wind blew in.
11 routes done - good climbing

NB holds on tight
on Scot Buttress

Note wind blown rope

Saturday 12 October 2013

Langdale variations

Friday October 11th
Overnight at Fairbank
Middlefell esoterica
Middlefell Butress P1v1 (S) BP
Arrived just behind large group from The University of Cumbria doing leader training - buttress  festooned with students, ropes and instructors.  After first pitch abandoned into the gully and climbed up to check out the routes revealed in the new guide on the upper right hand wall.

Unknown climber on P1v1

Halfway up the steep gully
V tricky ground
Abundance of atmosphere

Backed off
"Albino Hare" (MS)

Gareth (HS)
A little run out in middle section

BP contemplates heather filled finishing crack
"Good value"

Descended via Gimmer track and aimed for Revelation on Raven Crag

This was in use by the only party on the entire crag! - so carried on to East Raven.
"Mamba" S4b
Stopped by crux at 12m
Reversed moves and handed lead to BP, found the key foothold that opened the sequence

Climbing locations
and intervening meanders

Wednesday 2 October 2013

High Five

October 1st
Autumn venues now in play
Glaciated Slab
Fits the bill perfectly, roadside crags are for wimps
Five of the best Trods in town
Tethera D (AT)
Pimp D (PM)
Methera VD (AT)
Dovera VD (PM)
Pip MVS (AT)
Fabulous setting

PM Pimps his ride.....

(Pic also tarted up!)

Sky, rock, climber all bona fide pixels taken on the day!

Belayed gratification

Trod Pip


More pics here
here as well

Some guitar anthems including