Sunday 31 March 2013

Home on the Grange

March 30th
Easter Saturday
Grange to Keswick - 10km

The snowy twin peaks of Blancathra  lit up by the cold spring sun

Monday 25 March 2013

What's Going On?

March 23rd
Several inches of snow overnight
Drifting up to 40cm in the yard
Back to keeping the birds fed.....
Contrast with last years end March weather here

Monday 18 March 2013


18th March
Day out to Windermere and Ambleside
Winter is not giving up, 0-2 deg C

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Steal Softly Thru Snow

The Magic Band
Cluny, Newcastle
March 11th

Drove through blizzard to make this gig

Eric Clerks, Rockette Morton, Drumbo, Feelers Rebo
Photo (c) John Maclaughlin  

Short clip ->   Steal Softly Thru Snow


Thursday 7th March

Getting into shape

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Petzl Logic

5th March
Visit to Windmore End
Roped solo using ascender - Petzl Mini Traxion.
One route done
Epitaph VS4c 10m

Route just right of tree and lower central crack

Through small overlap below top-out

Looked at two or three more possibles

headed home

One frightening finish was enough...!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Spring Nirvana

March 1st
Raven Crag Langdale
Original Route
Dull east sunny out west as per forecast

First day of Spring special.
NB high on P2

 Finding some moves from somewhere


Ropes make debut

Raven Crag - left of deep shady gully right of centre
New feature!
Classic Rockiness