Saturday 26 January 2013

Snow dazzle

Saturday Jan 26th

Nice short local walk in the snow before it all disappears.

More picshere

Only about 2 miles or so but harder in the snow

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Sainte Phwoar

January 5th-12th
Return to St Foy in the Tarentaise
Another brilliant week following last year's great trip

Sunday through Wednesday blue skies all the way

With Carole - Instruction Goddess

Three excellent sessions

Day out up at Val d'Isere  - before the big dump


Great conditions under ski

Up top

Beaufortain Massif above Bourg St M

Mags just visible bottom mid right
(click image to expand)

Short clip here
Another one here
(this one subjected to weird YouTube post processing to stabilise image)

More pics here

Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year 2012/13

Ready for the Bridgewater