Sunday 19 August 2012

All Points North

Tuesday August 14th
Weather front sweeping North, so rushed ahead of it to...
The ususal suspects either ticked off - or backed off (Slab and Wall VS4c) owing to LMF and low power reserves.

A montage of Deception Wall
HS 4c

Epic journey back - heavy A1 traffic, roads swimming

Thursday 9 August 2012

Late Equaliser

Tuesday 7th August
Despite iffy forecast, resolved to attempt a Classic Rocker.
Arrived at foot of Bracket and Slab, undeterred by occasional spots, geared up, NB set off.
First pro in at 5 metres, followed immediately by proper rain.  Neither of us in the mood for a EPIC so we backed off.  One Nil to the Norse Weather Gods.

View up to head of valley on walk out

Flirted with a Raven option, but the storm moved down the valley.   So rather than go two down decided to head north up to Castle Rock of Triermain.

NB about to slay the Slab Route Dragon

AT led a Lilith / Companion Way combo, delicate and rather bold

Weather Gods 1
Team NE 1                                              

Climbers in a fine position on Direct Route

Monday 6 August 2012


A month in transit
Winston, Ilkeston, Royal Derby, and all combinations thereof

Head in Shed at Birchen with NB,PB,BP 26th July

Out at Almscliffe with NB, BP 31st July