Thursday 24 May 2012


Wednesday May 22
Had to get out, cabin fever
Solo trip to Langdale, walked in to Gimmer with full sack to see what's occurring
1hr 5 minutes from ODG via path to left of Stickle Ghyll. 400m ascent

Climber moving up onto "The neat bit"

Local on the edge of the edge...... top of the crag

Hot walk out, about 55 minutes

Thursday 17 May 2012

Battle of the Bulge

May 16th 2012
Local session - BP "on call"
Eight routes on the Wainstones circuit.
The usual suspects plus "The Bulge", now graded  VS 4c.
Moved decisively through the hand traverse, only to find I'd passed all prospects of gear - with still some rather precarious ground remaining.  Looked back and retro-fitted a small friend which helped dealing with the delicate moves to a solid nut and exit.  Phew!

BP sorting out gear for the awkward finishing moves on Ling Buttress (HS 4b)

Great views to the North and West

Enjoyed banter with some Aussie Coast to Coasters

Friday 11 May 2012

Eskdale crag hoppers

8th - 9th May 2012
BP joined in at Brantrake cottage for a few days climbing.
Tuesday dawned fine but rain stopped any play, Seathwaite Buttress looked manky anyway.  So we took advantage of the bad weather and boinged our way over to Broughton to see about fixing the funny noise from the front near side - turned out to be a busted spring.  Left it there for repair and taxied back to Eskdale.

 Explore the buttresses above Eskdale Green - the Diamond area.  Two TR's up a wet and pro-less slab, in situ-bolts at top to rig.

And a couple of trads on a nearby buttress.

Hiked back to Outward Bound Centre, got some useful beta from helpful staff on other local options.

Hitched a ride up the valley, and located Bell Stand Crag above the huge roadside quarry.

Plumb Line VS4c (BP)

Retreat to KG IV for regal tales of derring do.

Lovely morning but start delayed by need to retrieve the wheels.

Hared up the valley! Easy Slab, Hare Crag - VD (AT)

BP follows up a sea of rock

Fireball XL5 (left)

VS 4b (AT)

Also Jugged Hare HS 4b (BP)

Rain stop play at 4.30pm

Pack and leave Brantrake 17.05

Back in Greta B by 18.55

Action packed few days!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Lions deLuxe

May 4th - 6th 2012


Saturday Walk

Team A to Scafell Summit (964m)

Team B turn round at 450m
Walk shown
Low level direct to cottage
only ten miles or so

Relaxez en route

On the Ratty to Ravenglass


Walking back over Muncaster Fell

Scafell usurps the skyline

 A mere 7 miles ish...

Eskdale - stupendous

Barns aren't what they used to be

More pics here
hover over pic for detail

Friday 4 May 2012

Magic Number

Thursday 3rd May
White Ghyll,
The Slabs Route 1 (69m, S)
Seen below at upper left of picture, immense wall of grey rock

After a mass increasing, time dilating but relatively short slog up the Ghyll we were ready to go

NB running it out on P3


A fine route with some great positions, particularly on P2 and P3


© bowlingj

It's not easy having a good time.......