Friday 27 April 2012

Do the Strand

Friday April 7th
After yesterdays deluge a great day for the beach

Walked to Marske and back

Fantastic light

Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Hard Way

Monday April 16th
Possible Pinnacle day but opted for Shepherds visit as weather not great.

Donkey's Ears (S) - retrieved distracted crag fast young chap along the way, very distracting!

Last pitch Donkey's Ears
(c) Jamie Moss UKC

Ardus MVS 4b

NB contempates P2

The delicate traverse is done, it's all still there....

Final crack sorted with a modicum of drama, and
NB followed using NormStorm tactics

Weather held up well for a pleasant final route - Brown Slabs in the sunshine

Had brief encounter with Sir CB on walk out, (just completed Little Chamonix with a veteran chap), we exchanged pleasantries, fortunately I don't think he recognised us.....