Sunday 25 September 2011

Ha Ha Rider

Sunday 25th

Local lanes by bike

Ha ha at Wycliffe

Saturday 24 September 2011

You've got a friend

Aint it good to know....
Friday 23rd September with Mr P in the Peak
First outing on grit since October 19 2009.
8 routes done not entirely by the numbers.

Mr P above
Victory Crack

Both friends did the business, nice catch Mr P

De rigeur gritsone climbing outfit

Saturday 17 September 2011

Allerdale Rambler

Thursday 15th September
Brief spell of high pressure creates window of opportunity

 Walk from Grange to Seatoller and back

10.3 km,
3hrs 10 mins

Sunday 11 September 2011

Visitations, conflagrations, and a few routes

Tuesday 6th - Lunch at WWOW with Jo and Rosie May
Thursday 8th - Visit home for funeral, Ron has slight incident with his car....

Friday  -16 routes top roped with BP at Scugdale

Saturday 10th - curry night with K and R