Wednesday 31 August 2011

Repeat Prescription

Tuesday 30th August
For the treatment of hypo-climb syndrome
One dose of Woden, once a week for at least three weeks
Dropped M off at Grange and got started.  Repelled off first route by shower, walked up and abbed off to retrieve lower off gear.  Rain stopped so gobbled up a somewhat greasy Wimpey Way (S), followed by Wodens Face Direct, both slightly more than severe in the conditions.  Geared up for third route but rain came down properly so had to abandon.  Back in Keswick 3.30, pick up Mags and away for an under-earned libation at the H&F.

Friday 26 August 2011

Woden it be nice?

Woden it be nice to go out climbing
Where the walk-in isn't quite so long
Woden it be nice to find a rock face
Where we can find the routes and not go wrong.....
(with apologies to the Beach Boys)
Thursday 25th August
NB back in action after 5 week hands off

Back to Woden for another day of concentrated climbing action after last Friday's similar session

Six routes done, four by the day's go-to lead climber Mr B
seen here making constructive progress up Wimpy Way (S)

250 metres walk, 5 minutes, 0 metres altitude gain

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Two day wonder

Friday 18th August and Monday 22nd August
Out to play with Mr P both days
First up - Woden's face, very user friendly crag with some amenable climbing and virtually no walk in.  5 routes done.

If it's Monday it must be the Napes, or in this case Kern Knotts
Weather much more stable than last week, even some sunshine on the routes

Mr P in great form on Innonimate Crack. VS4b
20 m of peerless climbing.
It's all about this pitch, P2 a scramble.

Next up - my lead on West Buttress MVS4b 25m

Very steep in the middle third with some exciting climbing

80 mins walk in, 55 mins out. Two good routes. Big Day in the North.

Saturday 20 August 2011


August 16th
Our wedding anniversary

Lunch at the
Punch Bowl
in Low Row

Details here

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Threading a needle in the eye of a storm

August 15th - Forecast out west ok
Another go at Needle Ridge and one more of NB's ticklist
Thwarted again by fickle weather, rock rapidly soaked in drenching rain cloud

But since we were already roped up it seemed sensible to climb up and over the neck of the needle to effect an escape.

So we did

Took a good look at Innonimate Crack - will be back for that

Back in Borrowdale the sun shone whilst the beers waited

Two hours walk in and about the same back, slowed by slippery ground, and twenty minutes of break. Total distance 6.2 miles, 580 metres of ascent - whopper.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Trafalgar Luz

August 1st to 6th
5 nights Casa Vikki and Pete in Los Canos de Meca, Costa del Luz

Cape Trafalgar

Just a short visit to catch some rays and the fabulous sea