Thursday 28 July 2011

Making it up

Wednesday 27th July
Had a ride out west in Multispace, various options considered en route.
Settled for Great Round How above Honister and some new routes, but then remade the plan with a sharp turn left into the Shepherds car park.  Too nice to be driving and walking, so crammed three routes in, LC, DG, and BS.

Peter on P3, scene of some desperate struggles (by persons unknowm) later on, featuring falling specs and much wailing.
 Fine position - don't deride it.

More photos here

Monday 25 July 2011

London Calling Gateshead

Sunday 24th
Telephoned in by Chuck Prophet and the Spanish Bombs at the Sage 2.



Another pleasant valley Sunday

24th August
Gouther Crag, Swindale, Lake District

Looking down from top of Slab Route (S)

Also "Sam" (S) BP lead and Left Edge (AT,BP)

Looking across from Left Edge to climber on "The Dalesman" (E4)

Had to wind down early to get home in time for London Calling at the Sage.

Gouther is a good go-to crag, shortish drive, only Kirkby Stephen in the way, about an hour from Winston.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Classic Rocker

Wednesday 13th June
Dow Crag

Murray's Route Severe (AT,BP)
A lot of action packed into 76m
(c) MattG UKC

Climber on pitch 1 heading for some tricky moves

Too good to hurry....

Walk off in good order and great views

More Classic Rocking en route back
 75 minutes in, 50 minutes out

NB and PMcG following up tomorrow with assault on Raven Crag Borrowdale, 
whilst me and Mr P hit the office for a day off.
 Raven Crag

Borrowdale assault Team

Thursday 7 July 2011

Cracking Up

Tuesday 5th July
Park Nab
A small day in the moors with BP
And a selection of cracking climbs....
Longbow (curvy kind of crack)
Twin Cracks (all two of em!)
Wallbar Buttress (steep off width cracks and jugs)
Forked Crack
Hara Kiri (thin crack and a horizontal break)
Original image (c) DW on UKC

Also Chairman's Climb
And an odd route or two
(c) Rockfax with thanks

Another view with climber (on Wallbar Butrress).

Longbow obvious on right