Tuesday 26 October 2010

Nabster Blaster

Thursday 21st - in or out?
Brief debate about venue - Beacon Scar or Park Nab?
Seeing as the wind was getting up we - being hardy types - headed for the least sheltered and most exposed option......

(c) Simon Caldwell
with thanks

It was hoolified up top, although Norm reported wind free climbing - hang on that can't be right.

5 TR routes done - an HVS 5a claiimbed, plus a visit to dogsville.

Belayer gets blown about

Thursday 14 October 2010

Lake Fever

Wednesday 13th
Outdoor day, late start (bulldog blues) then plan A into action, up onto Hartsop and some messing about on Gill Crag.  Last there in July 1999. Hopes for repeat rays not fulfilled.

Dropped a rope for Norm to wander at will up the sweeping slab in the sinking mist.  Picture shown courtesy considerable artistic license.

4.6 miles, 400 metres ascent and descent.

Tuesday 12th October
Headed west to catch some rays, arrived at Howtown in the late misty morning.

Walk from there to Glenridding, Steamer back.  Six miles or so.

 Sun burning it off

Lakeland at its most fantabulous

No commentary possible

Glenridding pier

More stuff at Lakes 2010

Friday 8 October 2010

Three blokes and a bird

It's October, the forecast is mixed, so what better plan than to head up to the high moors to the most altitudinous and exposed crag in the North East?


Took cover from sudden squall  in thoughtfully built shelter.

Had to abandon after one short warm up route, utterly failed in that objective, the wind having upped to typhoonic proportions.

It's no Healaughing matter!

A quick regroup and plan B was in place, a life threatening walk across the pheasant infested moorland - the shooters were out in force, but by the time we got close they'd given up their own ghost, anything they hit was blown clean to Barnard Castle.

Except for the one that Peter despatched with mercy aforethought.

Thompson wins mad hat challenge.

All in all 8 miles round with a brief interlude in the Punch Bowl, Feetham

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Trail trials

Left car at Bowlees and bussed back to Middleton in Teesdale (Alston Garage upper Teesdale minibus service). Hudeshope valley and over the moor to Newbiggin.  Followed D&S Times route up Hueshope back and over the moor back to Newbiggin.  Several deviations to avoid horses, cows, bulls etc.

Looking up Teesdale
Walk - 5 miles, 255m ascent