Wednesday 29 September 2010

Looking ahead - thinking back

Tophet Wall. Late September 2002. Arrived late, losing the sun, wind getting up. First pitch felt straight in at the deep end after an extra long walk in via Grains Gill. Made the moves, belayed, and upwards and onwards. Led the hand traverse, felt comfortable with the exposure. Peter led the last pitch, all flapping goretex and whipping ropes.


October 2006.  Great North Road P2. Colin on belay. "It's up there". Climbed up, small holds, getting smaller, gear in, close to limit, climb down. Look at Colin. He looks back. I gather myself and climb, up past the gear, out over the drop, up under the roof, flap in a wire, useless! Grab a cam, ram it in, clip it and breathe. Breathe some more. Pull up and round, angle eases, more gear in! It's done! Look down and there is my Dad at the bottom of the crag, he'd come along to watch the game, just like he used to do when I was a 16 year old in the first team, sneaked up without saying anything.


Another view

© ipfreely
UKC Mar 30 2021

Sunday 26 September 2010

South bound again

Late September for the week in Poole as promised.  Tripping about the towns, villages and coastline of Purbeck with Ron for a few pleasant days. Jurassicificacious!

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Wall walking

Early September - first full week not back to school

House job
Upgraded wall

Garden job
Upgraded wall

Short Sunday walk, Brockhole to Ambleside

Wednesday 8 September 2010

First moves

© Crux, UKC with thanks
It's almost six months since St Etienne - time to open the envelope.  So spent a short morning at Rock Antics loosening up with Peter - felt good - can now add weekly sessions to the recovery regime.  Marvellous!

Friday 3 September 2010

Kestrel Butterflies

High pressure in charge so a perfect day to give the green light to the Grisedale Plan - been on Norm's list for some time so gotta be done.  Walk in from Glenridding via Lanty's tarn and a steady plod up the valley to reach the crag.

Kestrel Wall (Severe 45m).

Norm moving up with no sign of the butterflies he says were flapping about.

Peter follows in a fine position

Sherpa Thompson caught blocking the view at the top of the route with boots ready to go.

Long walk in, high crag, great route - A Big Day in the North

More stuff from the Gman here